Simple Filazafee
The Good, The Bad, and the Unknown
Published on January 15, 2004 By Filazafer In Business
I was the last to know about this huge merger that took place between my company and another. Normally I watch enough news to know things like this first, but I am not into all the office rumors so if I miss the news I am usually left behind. However, with some quick internet peeks (on breaks, of course) I now know, as much or more, than any of my peers, which happens to be somewhere between nothing and very little.

Right now it's great considering we are not asked, but rather forced to put most of our 401K savings in the stock of my company, I made a lot of money today. Of course, that could go up, could go down, who knows? And I guess all will be good unless I am one of the few (10,000) people that they are going to fire. I have no idea if I am one of these people and I probably won't know for many moons.

So am I mostly happy or angry? Hmmmm... Let me get back to you on that one. I do know one thing. The guy in charge of this company will not stop until he is #1 and from track record, you can bet that will be sooner rather than later. How do they do it? Then again if he's so smart, and the company is doing so well, why I am I repeatedly slowed down in my job by a computer that is still running Windows 95? I thought it was spend money to make money? False.


on Jan 15, 2004
I feel for your plight. I watched Rochester, NY and Xerox B&L and Kodak pack and leave tens of thousands of people who invested the best years of their life producing for them. Loyalty is a dead value in this Empire, admired by neither mate nor boss. If your job is being outsourced, it's part of the tragedy of the NWO, because the 'experience' and 'skills' are being lost as much as the paycheck. When Capitalism ceases to be productive and becomes consumptive of its adherents, it loses its base-value as a economic system. forgive my grammar but this windows 2000 just decided I can't put commas between words. Maybe it will next time I blog. Sure glad I got the new version.
on Jun 22, 2004
Being friends with the boss helped me get some inside info on a deal made last year. My company bought out another in the same industry, nearly tripling our work not to mention the work and money it took to convert their business to ours. Most of this merge was typical until our pirate-like AVP decided to start closing down offices, leaving the rest of us to man the cannons. Anywho the point is, whether you know its coming or not, you're gonna get shafted.